WN12 - Grease Filled Wire Nut for Landscape Lighting Installation.
WN12 - Grease Filled Wire Nut for Landscape Lighting Installation.
WN12 - Grease Filled Wire Nut for Landscape Lighting Installation
WN12 - Grease Filled Wire Nut for Landscape Lighting Installation
WN12 - Grease Filled Wire Nut for Landscape Lighting Installation
WN12 - Grease Filled Wire Nut for Landscape Lighting Installation
WN12 - Grease Filled Wire Nut for Landscape Lighting Installation


These Pre-filled Grease Wire Nuts are a perfect and easy solution for installing landscape lighting in your home or business. They are pre-filled with grease so you can just tie your wires together and twist one of these wire nuts on them to keep them safe and protected from outside exposure, making a longer-lasting bond between the low voltage landscape wires and light fixtures.

Two wire nuts are needed per fixture and each pack comes with 2 pieces, so you will need 1 pack per fixture/light on your project. These wire nuts fit wire gauges between AWG 22 - AWG 8. This is a highly recommended item for both experienced and inexperienced installers!

*Available in 5 pack, 10 pack, 25 Pack, and 50 Pack*

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WN12 - Grease Filled Wire Nut for Landscape Lighting Installation


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• 100% Full ABS Body and Pre Grease Filled
• Keeps Connections Waterproof and Corrosion Proof
• Fit for Outdoor Wiring, Irrigation Valves and Landscape Lighting Applications
• Suitable for Wire Gauge (AWG) #22 - #8
• Each pack comes with 2 Pieces
• 1 Pack Necessary Per Fixture
• Available in Singles package, 10 pack, 25 Pack, and 50 Pack

Installation Guide Spec Sheet


These Pre-filled Grease Wire Nuts are a perfect and easy solution for installing landscape lighting in your home or business. They are pre-filled with grease so you can just tie your wires together and twist one of these wire nuts on them to keep them safe and protected from outside exposure, making a longer-lasting bond between the low voltage landscape wires and light fixtures.

Two wire nuts are needed per fixture and each pack comes with 2 pieces, so you will need 1 pack per fixture/light on your project. These wire nuts fit wire gauges between AWG 22 - AWG 8. This is a highly recommended item for both experienced and inexperienced installers!

*Available in 5 pack, 10 pack, 25 Pack, and 50 Pack*

All of our products are backed by our manufacturer's money-back guarantee, ensuring you receive a quality product free from defects. We Provide the best quality products and services. Feel free to contact us for any help or advice with this product!

Reason to Buy from Us:

  1. No surprises or hidden fees.
  2. Safe payments via PayPal.
  3. 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.
  4. Real helpful humans on our support helpdesk!
  5. Tracking number for every order



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