SM08 Oval Wardrobe Rail End Brackets Steel Closet Rod Socket Holder.
SM08 Oval Wardrobe Rail End Brackets Steel Closet Rod Socket Holder.
SM08 Oval Wardrobe Rail End Brackets Steel Closet Rod Socket Holder.
SM08 Oval Wardrobe Rail End Brackets Steel Closet Rod Socket Holder.
SM08 Oval Wardrobe Rail End Brackets Steel Closet Rod Socket Holder.


SM08 oval end brackets are the finest quality you will ever find as bracket support for your closet or wardrobes oval rail. Easy assembly process. This oval rail end brackets are made of stainless steel. Necessary Screws are included. These are the perfect companions to the oval rod. Come in a pair.

Body Material: Stainless Steel
Quantity: 2 pieces
Included: Screws

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SM08 Oval Wardrobe Rail End Brackets Steel Closet Rod Socket Holder Pair


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Installation Guide Spec Sheet


SM08 oval end brackets are the finest quality you will ever find as bracket support for your closet or wardrobes oval rail. Easy assembly process. This oval rail end brackets are made of stainless steel. Necessary Screws are included. These are the perfect companions to the oval rod. Come in a pair.

Body Material: Stainless Steel
Quantity: 2 pieces
Included: Screws

All of our products are backed by our manufacturer's money-back guarantee, ensuring you receive a quality product free from defects. We Provide the best quality products and services. Feel free to contact us for any help or advice with this product!

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