TRA01 Palm Tree Mounting Ring Light Bracket Landscape Lighting Accessory Light Fixture Mount
TRA01 Palm Tree Mounting Ring Light Bracket Landscape Lighting Accessory Light Fixture Mount
TRA01 Palm Tree Mounting Ring Light Bracket Landscape Lighting Accessory Light Fixture Mount
TRA01 Palm Tree Mounting Ring Light Bracket Landscape Lighting Accessory Light Fixture Mount
TRA01 Palm Tree Mounting Ring Light Bracket Landscape Lighting Accessory Light Fixture Mount
TRA01 Palm Tree Mounting Ring Light Bracket Landscape Lighting Accessory Light Fixture Mount


The TRA01 is a Palm Tree Ring Mount Light Bracket that is a perfect choice for fastening landscape lighting Fixtures on trees, specially palm trees. This high-quality Cast Aluminum Bracket is heavy-duty cast material which gives a solid construction for durability and longevity. The frame size of this Palm Tree Ring Mount is 23.5" (D) x 1.5" (W). It can accommodate any trees with diameter widths from minimum 10.25" to maximum 20.75". 

The Ring Light comes with four pre drilled 1/2" holes designed for mounting spot light fixtures for uplighting or downlighting (light fixtures not included) and can easily be made to hold more lights by drilling additional 1/2" holes. All of the lights can be connected together with one wire running down the tree to connect to your low voltage system.
Tree rings are a must-have for landscape lighting designers as they provide the versatility and convenience of utilizing multiple lighting applications with one fixture (Uplighting, downlighting, moon lighting, etc). At times, it's hard to get a good angle by mounting a light directly on the tree, so these tree ring mounts provide adequate spacing between the tree trunk and the light to give room for the light to spread and shine onto the tree branches and leaves.

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    TRA01 Palm Tree Mounting Ring Light Bracket Landscape Lighting Accessory Light Fixture Mount


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    • 100% Full Cast Aluminum Body
    • 4 Holes for Light Fixtures
    • Fits Trees Trunk Sizes 10.25" to 20.75" Diameters
    • 23.5" (D) x 1.5" (W), 1/2" NPT thread
    • Black Finish
    • **Spot Light Fixtures Not Included**

    Installation Guide Spec Sheet


    The TRA01 is a Palm Tree Ring Mount Light Bracket that is a perfect choice for fastening landscape lighting Fixtures on trees, specially palm trees. This high-quality Cast Aluminum Bracket is heavy-duty cast material which gives a solid construction for durability and longevity. The frame size of this Palm Tree Ring Mount is 23.5" (D) x 1.5" (W). It can accommodate any trees with diameter widths from minimum 10.25" to maximum 20.75". 

    The Ring Light comes with four pre drilled 1/2" holes designed for mounting spot light fixtures for uplighting or downlighting (light fixtures not included) and can easily be made to hold more lights by drilling additional 1/2" holes. All of the lights can be connected together with one wire running down the tree to connect to your low voltage system.
    Tree rings are a must-have for landscape lighting designers as they provide the versatility and convenience of utilizing multiple lighting applications with one fixture (Uplighting, downlighting, moon lighting, etc). At times, it's hard to get a good angle by mounting a light directly on the tree, so these tree ring mounts provide adequate spacing between the tree trunk and the light to give room for the light to spread and shine onto the tree branches and leaves.

    All of our products are backed by our manufacturer's money-back guarantee ensuring you receive a quality product free from defects. We Provide the best product quality and service. Feel free to contact us for any help or advice with this product!

    Reason to Buy from Us:
    1. No surprises or hidden fees.
    2. Safe payments via PayPal.
    3. 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.
    4. Real helpful humans on our support help desk!
    5. Tracking number for every order

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